Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Designing a monument

World Book Day
We have designed book covers for Julia Donaldsons books. The Ugly Five and Room on The Broom.

Safer Internet Day
We explored this message sent on Roblox. We discussed what we should do about it and identified what our next steps should be. We also highlighted that the user had chosen some safety features (a nickname for their username and an avatar instead of a photograph) - we learnt that these features protect our personal information and keep us safe online.
The Polar Express
Year 1 have had some very naughty visitors!!!

" Year1 have learnt all about remembrance day.
We discussed the significance of the poppy. Together, we created poppy fields, poppy badges and we participated in a two-minutes silence to show our respect to soldiers who have died for us in war."
"WOW! In year 1 we have created some stunning firework displays. We discussed why we might see firework displays this week... Diwali and Bonfire Night. The children loved making their creations."