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Remote Learning Support

Support using RMUnify
In RM Unify you will find links to Purple Mash, MyMaths, TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed, Google Classroom, Google Drive  and more.


When logging into  from home, you will need to enter your school user name followed by  followed by your school password

If you are experiencing problems when logging in - please follow the instructions below using Google Chrome incognito mode

Support using Google Classroom


Google Classroom will be our main platform we will use it to enable teachers to share learning, resources and communicate with students.


If you have followed the advice below and still cannot remember your username and password or are still experiencing problems please email Please also state the name of your child and the year they are in. Please be aware we cannot account for issues with internet access or your personal devices at home. We will endeavour to answer your query as quickly as possible.



Support using Purple Mash


