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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy 2023

Special Needs and Disabilities Accessibility Action Plan October 2023

If you have any concerns regarding your child, please contact our Inclusion Manager/Special Educational Needs Coordinators - Mrs Gemma Merrix (SENDCo) 

Northfield Road Primary School believes in every child reaching his/her potential, through full access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Northfield Road offers a range of flexible provision to respond to children's individual needs including in-class support, small group or individual teaching.

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinators (SENDCO) at Northfield Road is Mrs Gemma Merrix 


Additional support for parents/carers is available from SENDIASS

Northfield Road SEND Information Report


Our Vision for SEND

 At Northfield Road Primary School, we believe in an inclusive environment with pupils at the centre of everything that we do. All pupils should be happy and thriving when they are at school. As well as developing a secure foundation in English and Mathematics, they will have a broad and deep knowledge of the wider curriculum. They will become confident and resilient learners who rise to any challenge and are able to reflect on their individual learning styles.

Our Values: Caring Together, Linked Together, Stronger Together

At Northfield Road Primary School, the achievements of ALL pupils are valued, respected and celebrated. All members of the school community are welcomed, and everyone is treated equally. Fairness and equality are promoted in all aspects of school life. We aim to develop high levels of self-esteem and confidence in all our pupils, so they view themselves as successful, independent learners. Early identification and supportive intervention for pupils with SEND are recognised to promote successful learning.


Roles and Responsibilities for SEND

Headteacher- Mrs Nicola Bennett

The Headteacher will work with the SENDCo and the SEN Governor to determine the strategic development of the SEND Policy and provision in the school. The Headteacher will disseminate the school Notional SEN Budget and in consultation with the school Governors, the SENDCo(s) and the needs of the school, they will decide on the deployment of resources and staff for pupils with SEND.

The Headteacher has overall responsibility for the provision and progress of learners with SEN and/ or a disability.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinators (SENDCo) are Mrs Gemma Merrix and Miss Chelsea Taylor

The SENDCo has day-to-day responsibility for the operation of the SEND Policy and the co-ordination of specific provision to support individual pupils with SEND, including those with EHCP’s. The SENDCo will ensure that your child receives appropriate support and that their SEND needs are met through the Graduated Approach.

Special Educational Needs Governor- Mr Dave McNaney

The SEND Governor helps to raise awareness of SEND issues at Governing Body Meetings. The SEN Governor will be responsible for monitoring the quality and effectiveness of the SEND provision within the school and, for ensuring that pupils receive necessary support.

Class Teachers

 Adapt teaching approaches to reflect the range of all pupils in their class. The class teacher will work closely with the SENDCo(s), Teaching Assistants and specialist staff, to plan and assess the impact of support and interventions and, how they can be linked to classroom teaching.


1.What kinds of special educational provision is accessible for pupils at Northfield Road Primary School?

Northfield Road Primary School is a fully inclusive primary school for children from the age of 4 to 11. We welcome children with and without Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) equally. Our school currently provides additional and/ or different provision for pupils experiencing difficulties in the four broad areas of need.

 The four areas of need identified by the Code of Practice are:

  •  Communication and Interaction (for example, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Speech and Language Difficulties)
  •  Cognition and Learning (for example, Dyslexia and Developmental Co-ordination Disorder)
  •  Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (for example, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  •  Sensory and/ or Physical Needs (for example, visual and hearing impairments, processing difficulties and Epilepsy).

There are no specialist units within school. The school aims to meet the needs of all pupils with SEND in consultation with parents, the local authority, as well as specialist agencies from health, education and social care.


2. How do we identify pupils with SEND?

At different times in their school career, a child or young person may be identified as having a special educational need.

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015) states that a child or young person has a special educational need or disability (SEND) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.

A child of compulsory school age or a young person is defined as having a special educational need if they have a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  •  Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than majority of pupils of the same age, or
  •  Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in a mainstream school.

To plan effectively for al pupils, communication with parents and/ carers starts as part of the transition process. During Home Visits, the Reception Team ask parents and/ carers whether they have any concerns about their child for instance, if they have an additional need, disability or medical need. Information gathered during these discussions help to formulate a transition plan for the new starters. Pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment are assessed on-entry to school.

During the first half term, the Reception Statutory Baseline Assessment is completed alongside the Wellcomm  communication and language screening tool, and an early review of their progress is shared after they have had time to settle.

Children are continually assessed and monitored throughout their time at Northfield Road, so that we can provide early intervention for any SEN that might arise.


Pupil Progress Meetings are held every term, from which we track and identify those whose progress:

  •  Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
  •  Fails to match or better the pupil’s previous rate of progress
  •  Fails to close the attainment gap between the pupil and their peers
  •  Widens the attainment gap.

Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean a pupil is registered as having a SEN. If class teachers or school staff identify pupils to have SEND, interventions and/ support programmes are planned and monitored as part of the provision mapping/IEP process. Referrals to external agencies with the consent of parents and/ carers, support the assessment of and diagnoses of the needs of individual pupils.

For pupils in the care of the Local Authority, the expectation is that their information will be provided through the Personal Education Plan (PEP) prior to them starting or at least within the first weeks of their arrival.


3. What provision is made for pupils with SEND; with and without an EHCP, in respect of:

a) How is the intervention/ support monitored as to its effectiveness?

Teachers are continually assessing, planning, implementing and reviewing their approach to the teaching of all pupils here at Northfield Road.

SEND Support will arise from the four parts Graduated Approach Cycle of which, the child and family are at the heart of.

The four stages of the cycle are: Assess, Plan, Do and Review.

Individual Education Plans track pupil progress over time and facilitate impact analysis of the interventions delivered.

Interventions are monitored by class teachers, phase leaders and the SENDCO.

 Class teachers meet parents of children with SEN to monitor against targets set in plans.

b) What are the school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing progress of pupils with SEND?


Assessment of special educational needs is a partnership between the learner, their parents/ carers and the teacher. The SENDCo supports with the identification of barriers to learning.

An analysis of pupil needs will draw on:

  •  The teacher’s assessment and knowledge of the pupil
  •  Their previous progress and attainment or behaviour
  •  Performance against national expectations
  •  Pupil progress in relation to EYFS curriculum expectations and National Curriculum targets
  •  Standardised tests which compare children of the same age nationally or criterion referenced tests such as high frequency word or phonic checks
  •  The view and experience of parents/ carers
  •  The pupil’s own views
  •  Advice from external support services, if relevant.
  •  Information from previous settings.

All teachers and support staff who work with the pupil are made aware of their needs, personal targets, the support provided, and any teaching strategies or approaches required.


 In liaison with the SENDCo(s), and in consultation with the parent/ carers and the pupils, the interventions and support required are planned.

The IEP will include:

  •  Short realistic and measurable targets related to the area of concern
  •  Recommended strategies and resources to be used by the teacher, support staff and parents/ carers of the pupil
  •   A start and finish date for the targeted intervention
  •  The provision to be implemented for the pupil
  •  Date for the plan to be reviewed.


The class teacher should remain responsible for working with the pupil on a daily basis

Where the planned provision involves teaching away from the main class, the class teacher will still retain responsibility for the pupil, working closely with support or specialist staff involved to plan and assess the impact of interventions.


Pupils, parents/ carers and staff are directly in the review process. Monitoring progress is an integral part of teaching and leadership at Northfield Primary School. Class teachers continually monitor and formally report progress to school leaders during Pupil Progress Meetings each term.

Pupils, parents/ carers, school staff and external agencies are involved in reviewing the impact of the IEPs. As part of this formal review meeting, progress will be discussed, and next steps planned for the learner.

We endeavour to develop this partnership with the pupils by encouraging them to review their previous achievements and suggest ways in over-coming barriers to learning.

 Reviews and reassessments completed by specialist external agencies review are shared with parents/ carers and contribute to the process.

For those pupils with an EHCP, progress will continue to be monitored each term and a formal review will be planned annually.

c) What is the school’s approach to teaching pupils with SEND?

At Northfield Road Primary School, we value high quality teaching for all pupils and actively monitor teaching and learning across the school. Where assessment and monitoring suggest additional support is required, the ‘Waves of Intervention’ Graduated Approach are implemented.

Wave 1

  •  Quality First Teaching- Class teachers set high expectations and differentiate the curriculum to ensure access to learning for all pupils in their class.

Various strategies to adapt access to the curriculum may include grouping, 1:1 and paired work, teaching styles, pre-teaching, adapting resources and using recommended aids.

Wave 2

  •  Guided Groups- Additional support may be provided during lesson time by a teacher or a Teaching Assistant.
  •  Targeted Intervention Groups- Additional to daily teaching and with a specific outcome. Sessions may take place on an individual or small group basis on a short-medium term basis.

Targeted Intervention

Intervention Overview

Category of Need

Get Talking

Targeted speech, language and communication programme for Reception and Year 1 pupils.

Communication & Interaction

Get Moving

Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy programme that develops gross motor control and co-ordination skills.

Physical and Sensory


Targeted phonics and reading intervention for 4–7-year-olds.

Cognition and Learning

Fast Track PhonicsTargeted Phonics and reading intervention for lower KS2Cognition and Learning

Fresh Start

Reading comprehension, spelling and punctuation catch up and intervention programme for 9years +.

Cognition and Learning

SALT recommendations and targets

Developed by Speech and Language Team

Communication & Interaction

5-minute Box

Daily intervention on high frequency words and phonics

Cognition and Learning


Wave 3

Aims to rebuild foundations, reduce gaps in attainment, and facilitate greater access to wave 1 and 2.

  •  Specialist 1:1- Specific targeted multi-sensory programmes, strategies and resources recommended by external agencies.
  •  Specialist Equipment- Recommended by an external agency to support a pupil’s individual needs for instance an angled writing board or a move and sit cushion.

d) How does the school adapt to teaching pupils with SEND?

 All pupils at Northfield Road Primary School have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and teachers have high expectations for individuals with SEND.

 Every teacher is required to adapt the curriculum to ensure access to learning for all pupils in their class.

 Our teachers use various strategies to adapt access to the curriculum, acting on advice from external agencies, when necessary.

These might include:

  • Use of technology
  •  Use of practical resources/ specialised or modified resources
  •  Adaptation to visual stimuli including assessment materials or Personalised activities
  •  Positive behaviour rewards system (Good to be Green)
  •  Additional adult support
  • Access arrangements including additional time, reader or scribe


e) How is Northfield Road accessible to pupils with physical disabilities?

The school is fully compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act and Health and Safety procedures are in place to ensure the safety of all pupils,

The school:

  • The admissions of a pupil with a disability is enhanced by ensuring all of the child’s needs are understood and in place before starting school following parental and medical advice as required.
  •  Ensures that PEEPs and individual Risk Assessments for the learning environment, activities and offsite visits are in place for pupils who require them.
  •  Is accessible via ramps and widened door frames- mobile ramps are also available
  • Has a dedicated medical room with access to a disabled toilet facility
  • Has 4 accessible toilets on site- KS1, KS2, Mobile and Ladybird Room
  • Ensures that Intimate Care Plans are in place and safeguarding procedures are maintained to ensure that the dignity and privacy of pupils are observed during toileting and changing
  • Provides personalised and specialist equipment such as writing tools to larger sized balls to support a pupil’s ability to access the curriculum
  • Has developed good working relationships with external agencies
  • Ensures that Breakfast and After School Club are accessible to pupils with SEND.
  • Ensures that all information is accessible to pupils with SEND.
  • Ensures that all extra-curricular activities, workshops, performances, school visits and residential experiences are accessible for all pupils.

The Accessibility Plan for Northfield Road Primary is available on the school website.



f) What additional support is available for pupils with SEND?

Where a pupil continues to make less than expected progress, referral to specialist external agencies is completed in consultation with parents/carers to assess and provide specific support and strategies to remove barriers to learning.

Specialist agencies include:

  •  Educational Psychology Service
  •  Learning Support Service
  •  Occupational Therapy
  •  Physiotherapy
  •  Specialist Inclusion Services- Autism Outreach, Hearing Impairment, Physical Impairment and Medical Inclusion Services, Visual Impairment
  •  School Health Advisor and School Nurse
  •  Speech and Language Therapy
  • The school have purchased the Enhanced Speech and Therapy Service for Spring and Summer terms 2024 from Sandwell LA.

Once a pupil’s needs have been identified and relevant assessments undertaken, consultations will take place with parents/ carers as to how school plans to support their child.

This additional and/ or different support might be in the form of:

  • Special equipment e.g., writing board, coloured overlays, special pencil grips, scissors, wobble cushions
  • Larger print size/ coloured paper
  •  Specially adapted keyboard/ mouse
  •  Additional TA support within the classroom
  • Targeted individual/ paired/ group support
  • Targeted interventions
  • Specialist interventions/ therapy.

g) How do you enable SEN pupils to engage in activities available in addition to those within the curriculum?

All pupils with SEND, with or without an EHCP are encouraged to access extra-curriculum activities that are available at school. In some cases, if necessary, additional support or reasonable adjustments are provided for enrichment opportunities and extra- curriculum activities to ensure participation for all.

h) What support is available for ensuring emotional and social development of pupils with SEND?

The personal development and well-being of the pupils at Northfield Road Primary are taken very seriously. Pupils are unlikely to succeed and flourish unless they are developing positive relationships, feel safe and are adopting healthy lifestyles.

Staff recognise that the nurturing of emotional and social needs is what some pupils require. We encourage pupils to develop confidence and resilience through teaching, social play opportunities and through more targeted support. For those pupils who experience difficulties, we offer:

  •  Access to pastoral sessions
  •  Access to outreach behaviour support from the Bedazzle Team
  •  Referrals to external agencies including counselling, School Health Advisor and the Educational Psychology Service


4. Who is the named SEND contact?

Mrs Gemma Merrix (SENDCo) and Miss Chelsea Taylor (Acting SENDCo)

Northfield Road Primary School

01384 818710


5. What specific expertise is available to pupils with SEND?

The SENDCo (Mrs Gemma Merrix), has completed the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination. The SENCo (Mrs Gemma Merrix) is allocated two days per week on site per week to manage, and co-ordinate SEND provision.

The Acting SENDCo (Miss Chelsea Taylor) is currently undertaking the Postgraduate National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination and is aiming to complete this by August 2024.


Class teachers and support staff receive up to date training relating to various aspects of SEND.


  •  Attend courses delivered by external agencies
  •  Access external agency training commissioned by the school
  •  Access in-house training that is focused on CPD and pupil needs.
  •  Have information shared by SENDCo following attendance at Local Authority Forums and Trust cluster group meetings for SEND.


6. What specialist equipment and facilities are there for pupils with SEND?

Where specific equipment is deemed necessary or recommended by specialist agencies to support the needs of pupil with SEND, the item is either loaned or the requested resource is purchased from the school’s Notional SEN Budget.


7. What arrangements are there for consulting and involving parents of pupils with SEND?

Staff will have an early discussion with the SENDCo and a pupil’s parents when identifying whether special educational provision is required.

They conversations ensure that:

  •  Everyone develops a good understanding of the pupil’s areas of strength and difficulty

 We take account the parents’ concerns

  •  Everyone understands the agreed outcomes sought for the pupil and their next steps

  An IEP is planned with specific targets, interventions, strategies and equipment to remove barriers and aid development.

Parents/ carers are invited to attend parents’ evenings.

Designated meetings are available with the SENDCo throughout the year.

Parents of pupils with an EHCP are formally invited to their statutory annual reviews


8. What arrangements for consulting children with SEND about, and involving them in their education?

The class teacher and SENDCo invite pupils to contribute to their IEP targets. This includes the pupil’s views on their strengths and weakness and, their views about the planned targets and interventions

The views of SEND pupils are captured as part of subject monitoring and external agency assessments. For those pupils with EHCP’s, they are consulted as part of the Annual Review process or any EHCP new requests.


 9. What are the arrangements for parents of children with SEND who may wish to complain about the provision?

As a school, we believed that the SEN of pupils are best met when there is an effective collaboration and communication between school, families and external agencies. In the first instance, concerns or complaints regarding SEND provision should be raised by appointment with the SENDCo. In the unlikely events of concerns and complaints being unresolved, the Headteacher should be contacted in line with the next stage of the Complaints Policy

The parents/ carers of pupils with disabilities have the right to make disability discrimination claims to the first tier SEND tribunal if they believe that our school has discriminated against their child. They can make an alleged discrimination claim regarding

  •  Exclusions
  •  Provision of education and associated services
  •  Making reasonable adjustments.


10. How does the school/ governing body involve health, social services, LA support services, and others in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and supporting their families?

The school can refer pupils directly to some external agencies. Some specialist support needs to be purchased by the school such as Learning Support Service and Educational Psychology.


11. What are the contact details of support services for parents of children with SEN?

There are a range of agencies available to support parents/ carers, and their children including:

Dudley SENDIASS - Saltwells Education Centre, Bowling Green Road, Netherton, DY2 9LY

07900161363/ 07824543233/ 07929777744


Dudley SEND Team - Ladies Walk Centre, Sedgley, DY3 3UA   01384 8142360


12. What are the school’s arrangements for supporting pupils with SEN in transferring between phases of education?

Transition is part of school life for all pupils. It can be transition to a new class in school, having a new teacher or moving to another school, training or employment or even preparing for adulthood.

Northfield Road Primary School is committed to working in partnership with individual pupils, families and external agencies to ensure that periods of transition are as positive and as smooth as possible. Planning for transition if part of our provision for all learners with SEND.

Transferring from another school:

  •   The SENDCo will liaise with the SENDCo at the previous school to ensure that contextual information is shared, and that support plans and reasonable adjustments are in place for the pupil.
  •   The SENDCo will liaise with any external agencies involved with the pupil to ensure that their needs are met and that the transition process is positive.


When moving classes in school:

  • The previous teacher will share contextual information with the new class teacher during transition meetings in July.
  •   The SENDCo will share IEPs with the new class teacher.
  •  The SENDCo will liaise with the pupil, class teacher, external agencies and parents and/ carers to implement a transition plan for those pupils who require one.
  • Social stories or transition booklets to support transitions will be provided before the summer term induction visits.

 If a child is moving to another school:

  •   Our SENDCo will contact the SENDCo at the new school to ensure that they are aware of any contextual information, support plans or special arrangements that need to be made.
  •  The SENDCo of the new school will be invited to attend any planned reviews.
  •  Records about the new pupil will be transferred securely to the new school.


Year 6 secondary school transition:

  • For pupils with an Educational Health and Care Plan, a transition review for secondary school will take place as part of the Annual Review in Year 5.
  •  The Year 6 and SENDCo will liaise with the SENDCo of secondary school. A transition meeting might be hosted in which parents and/ carers and secondary representatives are invited to attend.
  • The pupil will have the opportunity to visit the secondary school on several occasions as part of the transition process.


13. Where is Dudley’s Local Offer published?

The 2014 Children and Families Act requires Local Authorities and schools to publish and continuously review, information relating to the range of services available to support children and young people with SEND. This is the ‘Local Offer’.

The Local Offer provides clear information for parents and carers about how to access services in their area and what they can expect from those services. More information relating to the Dudley Local Offer can be viewed at:




More information and resources can be found on our wellbeing pages here:

Parents/carers can find the Local Authority 'Local Offer' on the Dudley Council website.

