Curriculum Intent
“Anchoring our future”
It is the right of all pupils to have access to quality first learning, experienced through high quality teaching in a safe, secure and caring environment.
A broad, balanced and progressive curriculum is followed by pupils at Northfield Road Primary School. Pupils complete the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum through a range of engaging topics immersed with quality texts and experiences.
At Northfield Road Primary School, staff sequence learning into manageable chunks, avoiding cognitive overload. Teachers ensure that misconceptions are front-loaded and new learning is contextualised. Work is regularly revisited and retrieved to ensure that it ‘sticks’ in the long-term memory; it is transferable to different concepts and ideas and supports new learning.
Our bespoke curriculum prepares children for the next stage of their learning both academically and in their personal development, whether this is their next lesson, next day, next week, next year or the next stage of their education. Pupils of all abilities are developed as the curriculum is accessible to all. The curriculum at Northfield Road Primary is inclusive and we have high expectations for all learners. School provides highly effective support to pupils and families to ensure they can have full access to our curriculum offer.
Pupils are taught explicitly about the local area and its rich heritage with strong community links; ensuring pupils are able to hang new learning to what they already know and understand. They learn from each other’s cultural diversity and inclusivity through sharing, collaboration and working within the community.
Our Reception classes follow the Early Years Statutory Framework. They are immersed in language rich opportunities. Early language and reading are at the heart of our well-planned curriculum that includes opportunities for purposeful play, collaboration and securing positive learning behaviours; a springboard for future success.
We celebrate achievements, nurture talent and offer memorable experiences through our broad and balanced curriculum. We explicitly teach children to understand and demonstrate positive learning behaviours through our whole school ASPIRE approach (Aspiration, Self-belief, Perseverance, Independence, Resilience and Engagement). A key driver of the whole curriculum is to develop learners so that they feel safe to try new things, know mistakes are learning and develop pride in themselves and their work, including the achievement of others. Pupils are encouraged to express their views and give valuable contributions to wider school life.
As a school we understand the importance of good mental health and well-being and that they are an integral part of successful learning. Throughout our curriculum, pupils are given opportunities to explore who they are, who they are going to be and how they fit into an ever- changing world. Pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain. Our curriculum is threaded with learning opportunities that empower and develop our learners to become global citizens who make meaningful life choices.
We continue to know and understand the individual needs of our children and adaptations are made to ensure we offer a curriculum for all; meeting needs, offering additional support and challenging all pupils to achieve their very best.
We use the following Reading, Writing and Phonics schemes in our school.
Find out more information about our curriculum by speaking with year group staff or by emailing