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Junior PCSO Program

For a number of years there have been problems outside the school regarding inconsiderate, dangerous and illegal parking during the dropping off and picking up of pupils.
Driveways in the area must never be blocked in anyway, pavements must not be parked on, even partially, road junctions must not be obstructed and zig zags never stopped on.

The school and West Midlands Police have been working closely together to implement the ‘Junior PCSO Program’ within the school and Police will train specially selected pupils to be Junior PCSOs.


One of their duties will be to perform high visibility patrols with Police Officers outside school at regular intervals, speaking with drivers about their inconsiderate, illegal or dangerous parking. If necessary, the Junior PCSOs will issue specially designed ‘tickets’ to drivers. If a driver receives two of these tickets and the issue of a third becomes necessary, then West Midlands Police will issue the appropriate Fixed Penalty Notice ticket.


I hope that you can support this exciting scheme which will help to make the school and the community around it, a safer place for all.
