Mrs Bennett's Weekly Update
Another week completed and this week has been a busy one.
This week is assessment week. Teachers are assessing where pupils are every lesson, day and week. They adapt their lessons on the spot if needed to meet each child’s needs. This week is a time to gather all the information together; the children complete booklet style assessments. These are very much like the statutory assessments completed at the end of KS1 and KS2. It is important that they practice these to prepare them for more formal assessments set out through the Department For Education (DFE).
Our youngest learners assessments (YR) are completed through observations, talking with the children and assessing the every day work they produce.
Building a picture of what each individual can do supports teachers to understand what is embedded, what needs re-teaching and highlights any gaps in learning.
Parents evening is next week, we will share information with you about this and you will have an opportunity to look at your child’s work in their books too.
A reminder that on your child’s birthday, they can wear a choice of their own clothing. If the birthday falls at the weekend or the holiday choose the closest date to their birthday.
As restrictions are now lifted, we intend to put on more events and get back to all the great things we were able to do prior to the pandemic for example parent workshops, celebration events and stay and do type of activities. This way you will see all the great things going on inside the school walls!
In the parent survey, the majority of you agreed that the school is well led and managed. Again, some ‘did not know’. The school has leaders at all levels. As part of Stour Vale Academy Trust, a central team and our directors make decisions at trust board level. information about them can be found here:
In school we have an Interim executive Board (Governors) who come from differing backgrounds with a wealth of experience between them. We also have an Accelerated Improvement Board (AIB) who challenge and support leaders to secure continual school improvement.
At school level, we have a Senior Leadership Team (SLT) with the Headteacher, Deputy, Assistant Heads, Inclusion Lead and School Business Manager. We also have Phase Leaders and Subject Leads too. A lot of leaders in a variety of roles! All work together, with the children at the heart of all decision making.
It is important that if you have any concerns, comments, celebrations, niggles you tell us. We cannot solve an issue if we do not know. Senior staff are always on the playground before and after school – come and see us!
One final note, Stour Vale Academy Trust supports the school immensely behind the scenes. We work together collaboratively all of the time informally and through a number of professionals meetings. This can only support us to keep getting better.
Have a lovely weekend all.
Mrs Bennett