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  • As Half Term approaches...

    Thu 25 Oct 2018 Mrs K Taylor

    Half term is fast approaching and our children have done us all proud as usual.

    'Awesome,' was how a park ranger described our year 3 children at Conkers this week for being patient and very caring towards other children who were on the adventure park. Parents of these children commented to  our staff, how kind the children were and complimented them on their manners and behaviour.


    'Good To Be Green,' is all around the school and I'm looking forward to the first assembly where the certificates are given out. Watch this space for assembly changes after half term; more information will follow after the break.


    Reception Classes have adventured to the 'Build A bear Factory' at the Merry Hill and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. This is always a popular trip and thanks to all parents for supporting this. Any problems with contributions towards trips always come and see the team at the office. Payment plans and advice will be gladly given.


    Finally, a reminder that children are not due back until Tuesday 6th November as there is an INSET day on Monday 5th November. We wish you well and hope you enjoy the half term break. See you Tuesday 6th November 8:45am. Remember attendance and punctuality are key to your child's success.

  • Important Changes

    Tue 23 Oct 2018 Mrs K Taylor

    As we come to the end of a busy and long half term, may we take this opportunity to update you on the current situation with regard to our leadership team at Northfield Road. As you are aware Mr Regan has not been in school since the start of this term due to his ongoing health issues. As a result, he has handed in his resignation and as such, will not be returning to school. We would like to wish him well for the future.


    I wrote to you all in the summer term to share with you the news that I myself would be leaving at Christmas to start my new post as Head teacher at another Dudley primary school. With this in mind and Mr Regan’s absence due to illness, the local authority have been fully supportive and have arranged for an Executive Head teacher to support myself and the school in this transitional period.


    The Executive Head is Mrs Karen Brass, who is the Head teacher at Milking Bank Primary and has been working alongside myself and the rest of the staff. Mrs Brass has met with all the children and has made herself known to them and from next week you will have the opportunity to meet her on the days she is in school. She will be outside on the gate with myself so please feel free to say hello and make her feel welcome as we all have.


    Mrs Brass is really motivated and committed and brings a wealth of experience to the school. As part of the partnership with Mrs Brass, she is going to develop and implement relationships with other professionals to support and take the school forward.


    Mrs Brass, myself and the Local Authority, will be working together to ensure the school will have a strong leadership and management team in place from January 2019.


    As you are aware, OFSTED were in school on Tuesday 18th September and Wednesday 19th September. As is the normal practice, the judgement is only announced when the report is issued. We are currently awaiting the report from OFSTED. Parents/carers will be advised as soon as it is possible.


    Finally, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and patience. Rest assured your children are and always will be at the heart of everything we do at Northfield Road.



  • Autumn Term 2018

    Wed 10 Oct 2018 Mrs K Taylor - Deputy Headteacher

    What a fantastic start to the month everyone.

    Trips to Cannock Chase, Stratford upon Avon and Warwick Castle were well attended and our children’s behaviour was exemplary. Thank you for you continued support. Everyone learnt so much and had great experiences.


    We have the Poet Spoz in today, working with children across the school and have taken part in workshops, assemblies and presented their poetry to each other. His whole school assembly was inspiring and very entertaining. I need to use a Supersoaker like Spoz. Well done to ‘Girl Powerpoint’ team in year 5 who won the ‘POETRY SLAM!’ Everyone taking part was enthusiastic and created some hilarious poems about chocolate.


    Mrs Cawston has kick-started the Playground Buddies for the term and are now in force and the Prefects lead by Mrs Tougher are very busy around school. Keep going and thank you.


    A new Schools Council has been formed. They represent all the children across the whole school and want to voice the opinions and ideas of their class mates. In a recent meeting this week, they said we want to, ‘raise the bar and help make people’s dreams come true.’ They have already been involved in thinking of rewards and consequences for our children in and around school. ‘Our school is the best!’ and ‘know it’s fantastic,’ so they want to showcase how our children work hard and show resilience.


    A huge thank you and well done; everyone is ‘Happy to Help,’ the phrase our children used to describe their roles.


    Half term approaches so wrap up warm and enjoy the autumn weather.

